Historical and stratigraphical study of the walls of the main aisle of the Cathedral of Teruel and their joints with the roof


  • Berta de Miguel Alcalá Arquitecto técnico. Máster en Conservación del Patrimonio Arquitectónico
  • Gabriel Pardo Redondo Ingeniero de edificación. Máster en Conservación del Patrimonio Arquitectónico




Gypsum walls, wall stratigraphy, Mudejar architecture, Mudejar polychromy, timber roof, photogrammetry, historicalconstructive process


Dated to late 12th and early 13th centuries, the Cathedral of Teruel is a complex building whose greatest treasure is the Mudejar roof that covers the central space, declared World Heritage by UNESCO in 1986. There are some basic unknown facts about this roof, such as who built it, how, when or what it represents. There are many theories that attempt to clarify these uncertainties, but there is not much historical documentation available. During the years 2008 and 2009, a restoration of the church was conducted and part of the roof and walls remained uncovered for a short period of time. Using that temporal and unique chance, a wide stratigraphical and building analysis of the central nave walls and their joints with the roof was carried out. Thanks to this work, some important results have been discovered concerning the modifications suffered by the building. At the same time, other evidences help to further going within the knowledge of the form of the church at its earliest stages.


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How to Cite

de Miguel Alcalá, B., & Pardo Redondo, G. (2011). Historical and stratigraphical study of the walls of the main aisle of the Cathedral of Teruel and their joints with the roof. Arqueología De La Arquitectura, (8), 121–140. https://doi.org/10.3989/arqarqt.2011.10004


