The church of Saints Sergius and Bacchus, Umm as-Surab (Jordan). Historical and constructive results from the archaeological analysis of the standing-structures


  • Piero Gilento Building Archaeology in Jordan project. Università di Siena



Hawrān, rural villages, byzantine time, islamic period, building techniques, 3D survey


The paper illustrates the results of the archaeological investigations carried out on the still-standing structures of the church of Saints Sergius and Bacchus in the Umm as-Surab village, in northern Jordan. The building, still relatively well preserved, is considered by the scientific literature as one of the most interesting in the southern Hawrān because of some technical and structural features, among them the high tower built on the prothesis. The analysis of the material remains made possible to identify a building sequence divided into five periods and to investigate the dynamics of the constructive process. We also focused our attention on the identification of the main building techniques (walls, doors, arches and pilasters), which will be part of a broader Chrono-typological Atlas of the Hawrān region. With these new data, we have further reflected on the building typologies of the tower and the church, so trying to contribute to the current debate.


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How to Cite

Gilento, P. (2014). The church of Saints Sergius and Bacchus, Umm as-Surab (Jordan). Historical and constructive results from the archaeological analysis of the standing-structures. Arqueología De La Arquitectura, (11), e013.


