Stratigraphic analysis of elevations and “inductive metrology”: an integrated approach in the study of the archaeological complex of St. Mary’s church in the Veliki Brijun island - Croatia (from 5th to 11th centuries)




measuring systems, analysis of elevations, Veliki Brijun, Late Antiquity, Early Middle Ages


This paper aims to demonstrate the potentiality of an integrated approach in the study of architecture, which combines archaeological analysis of elevations and calculation of the units of measurement employed to trace the plans. The complex of St. Mary’s Church, on the Veliki Brijun Island, represents a particularly interesting case study to which one can apply to this approach, because it is an architectural palimpsest characterized by a long stratigraphic sequence dated from the 4th to the 16th centuries. Most importantly, this method has confirmed the stratigraphic sequence and has contributed to better know the architectural phases, even though the architectural palimpsest is very complicated. Also, on the other hand, it has shed light on several aspects linked to the building sites and to the workforces.


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How to Cite

Zanetto, S. (2018). Stratigraphic analysis of elevations and “inductive metrology”: an integrated approach in the study of the archaeological complex of St. Mary’s church in the Veliki Brijun island - Croatia (from 5th to 11th centuries). Arqueología De La Arquitectura, (15), e073.


