Call for contributions


Arqueología de la Arquitectura, founded in 2002 and coedited by Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC, Madrid) and la Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV-EHU, Vitoria-Gasteiz), is a scientific journal, in electronic edition, with the main objective of promoting, hosting and disseminating archaeological studies of buildings, regardless of their period, type and function. It addresses theoretical, methodological, interpretative and practical aspects of the archaeological discipline applied to the analysis, documentation, interpretation, conservation, restoration, enhancement and socialisation of architecture; of its contribution to the knowledge of the history of architecture and of the related technical, social and historical contexts; its relationship with other human, earth and experimental sciences (e.g. archaeometry and geology, among others); its potential as a tool for knowledge and discussion; and its use by professionals in archaeology, architecture, restoration, engineering and art history, among other heritage specialists. In short, it intends to become an instrument of permanent renewal and reflection on the materiality of present and past architectures.

The journal is indexed in Web of Science: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), SCOPUS, CWTS Leiden Ranking (Journal indicators), ERIH Plus, REDIB, DOAJ, Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA), Francis, International Medieval Bibliography (IMB), Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB), Regesta Imperii, Repertorio de medievalismo, Dialnet, Sherpa Romeo and ÍnDICEs CSIC. It is indexed in Latindex Catalogue 2.0 and has obtained the FECYT Seal of Quality. Rated Q1 in SJR 2023 in 4 thematic categories.

The deadline for the submission of proposals for volume 21 (2024) is open. As a guideline, articles received by the end of July 2024 may be published in this volume, as long as they meet the journal's quality criteria and pass the double blind peer review process. Papers are accepted in any language commonly used by the scientific community (Spanish, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, German, etc.).

The deadline for the submission of proposals for monographs is also always open. Monographs must be composed by a collection of original works of archaeological research on constructions of all periods, types and functions, from the possible theoretical, methodological, interpretative and practical perspectives. Its subject, previously proposed by a coordinator to the Editorial Committee of the journal, must be common and fall within the main objectives of the journal. It is published as part of the annual volume of the journal, so it must have a maximum number of eight articles. Each paper making up the monograph is reviewed by the Editorial Committee of the journal and, if accepted, is submitted to an external review process according to the "peer" and "double-blind" system. They must follow the norms for the submission of originals.

Guidelines for authors and previous volumes of the journal can be found on the website:

We look forward to your contributions.