Virtual reconstruction of the outer section of the funeral complex of Sarenput I (QH36)




Archaeology, funerary architecture, planimetry, Qubbet el-Hawa, Sarenput I


The funeral complex of Sarenput I (QH36) stands out as being the only one built in the necropolis of Qubbet el-Hawa, which was completely finished. In addition, it stands out as one of the few examples of the Middle Kingdom’s private funerary architecture, along with the monumental tombs of Qaw el-Kebir and Asyut, which in a simplified way follows the structure of royal funerary complexes with ascending stair, outer court, funerary chapel and burial chambers. This paper contributes to the “ideal” graphic reconstruction of the outer spaces of QH36, preserved partially, based on two levels of knowledge: the architectural elements and other archaeological evidences existing in the outer enclosure allow us its reconstruction guaranteeing its accurary; on the other hand, the lack of some of these elements forces us to make interpretative decisions that, based on the study of examples from contemporary Egyptian architecture, guarantee a model with accuracy and historical rigurosity.


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How to Cite

Martínez Hermoso, J. A. (2018). Virtual reconstruction of the outer section of the funeral complex of Sarenput I (QH36). Arqueología De La Arquitectura, (15), e071.




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