A digital model applied to the diachronic reading of architecture: The Tocino chapel (15th Century) of Jerez de la Frontera





HBIM, heritage, information management, monumental restoration, archaeology and architecture, Gothic-Mudejar, stonecutter marks


An experience of the application of digital HBIM models to the archaeological and architectural intervention on the Tocino chapel of the church of San Juan de los Caballeros at Jerez de la Frontera is expounded. Its purpose is to verify the possibilities of a dynamic tool that can incorporate and manage data, and allow complex visualizations, of the stratigraphic sequence obtained from previous and parallel to the intervention work. Thus, the restoration work is seen as another phase, which is associated with previous work, which helps to explain and justify their own intervention actions. Among the main conclusions, we should highlight the formation of a unique model that brings together all the information generated, open to the incorporation of new information and capable of generating images that facilitate the spatial understanding of the object.


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How to Cite

Guerrero Vega, J. M. ., Pinto Puerto, F. ., & Mora Vicente, G. . (2021). A digital model applied to the diachronic reading of architecture: The Tocino chapel (15th Century) of Jerez de la Frontera. Arqueología De La Arquitectura, (18), e112. https://doi.org/10.3989/arq.arqt.2021.004




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