From tomb to church. Archaeological and architectural analysis of the Old Kingdom funerary complex (QH34h) and its transformation into a Byzantine Christian church in the Necropolis of Qubbet el Hawa (Aswan, Egypt)




hypogeum, First Intermediate Period, Coptic Church, Byzantine Period


The archaeological site of Qubbet el Hawa contains one of the largest necropolis in southern Egypt. At this burial site the governors and high officials of the southernmost province of Egypt were buried from the Late Old Kingdom to the Late 12th Dynasty. This study aims to analyze one of the largest funerary complexes (QH34h), belonging to the local governor Khunes, and other annexed tombs of his relatives. This large funerary complex, with a great funerary chapel, includes an ascending stairway and a monumental courtyard. It was built during the last part of the reign of Pepy II (2216-2153 BC). It underwent a set of architectural transformations throughout its history, including several collapses and, centuries later, it was chosen by a Coptic community to establish a Christian church and other monastic places. The main aim of the present paper is to analyze how the sacred space changed over time and the architectonic spaces were used with different purposes.


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How to Cite

Barba Colmenero, V. ., Martínez Hermoso, J. A. ., Mozas Calvache, A. T. ., Pérez García, J. L. ., & Jiménez Serrano, A. . (2022). From tomb to church. Archaeological and architectural analysis of the Old Kingdom funerary complex (QH34h) and its transformation into a Byzantine Christian church in the Necropolis of Qubbet el Hawa (Aswan, Egypt). Arqueología De La Arquitectura, (19), e126.


