Reading spaces: a critical approach to space syntax as archaeological analysis instrument


  • Jesús Bermejo Tirado Instituto de Historia, CCHS-CSIC



Space syntax, built environments, household archaeology, archaeology of architecture, Juliobriga


This work intends to explain in detail the different theoretical and methodological elements which belong to space syntax. A genealogy of its theoretical bases as preliminary step before the explanation of the different analytical instruments is firstly shown. A comparative study with other archaeological and architectural analysis is also offered, showing a group of methodological problems. The interpretative possibilities of space syntax analysis are settled in question and some final notes aimed to offer new perspectives are introduced.


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How to Cite

Bermejo Tirado, J. (2009). Reading spaces: a critical approach to space syntax as archaeological analysis instrument. Arqueología De La Arquitectura, (6), 47–62.



Theory and method