Defensive architecture in the fort of Castromaior (Lugo). The analysis of the building techniques of the access to the main enclosure of the village


  • Miguel Ángel López Marcos Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Yolanda Álvarez González Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Luis Francisco López González Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Urbanization, geological, climatical, anthropical and morphological determinants. Reconstruction, timber support, frame


The analysis of the building techniques of the pre-Roman fort of Castromaior (Lugo) is here presented. The archaeological methodology is employed from an analytical point of view by means of the systematic archaeological excavation and in order to obtain a hypothetical reconstruction of one of the access to the village. Stratigraphical analysis and excavation have together revealed enough results to identify different building phases. After a brief description of the site, the results are analysed archaeologically, focusing the attention on the architecture belonging to the demarcation structures. Once analysed the results, a reconstruction of the access area is proposed. This brief work offers a new vision of the pre-Roman forts in the northwestern area of the Iberian Peninsula based on the analysis of the architecture of demarcation.


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How to Cite

López Marcos, M. Ángel, Álvarez González, Y., & López González, L. F. (2011). Defensive architecture in the fort of Castromaior (Lugo). The analysis of the building techniques of the access to the main enclosure of the village. Arqueología De La Arquitectura, (8), 47–63.




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