Sequence in the construction of the Basilica of Ererouk in Armenia, 6th-10th centuries: a new archaeological interpretation


  • Nadia Montevecchi Dedalo s.a.s.
  • Cristina Tonghini Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia
  • Gaiané Casnati Centro Studi e Documentazione della Cultura Armena



Armenian religious architecture, Early Armenian basilica, Oriental basilica, The formation of Armenian architecture, Stratigraphic analysis


This paper illustrates the results of archaeological investigations carried out at the church of Ererouk, in the Republic of Armenia. This monument can be regarded as one of the most representative examples of religious architecture in the region. Stratigraphic analysis conducted in 2005 has allowed the establishment of a construction sequence for the building which is organized into two main periods and attributed to the 6th to 10th centuries. The data collected also contribute to several longdebated issues relating to early Armenian churches, including the system of roofing and the shape of the pillars employed.


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How to Cite

Montevecchi, N., Tonghini, C., & Casnati, G. (2012). Sequence in the construction of the Basilica of Ererouk in Armenia, 6th-10th centuries: a new archaeological interpretation. Arqueología De La Arquitectura, (9), 29–56.


