First phases in the construction process of the Renaissance quadrant of Seville Cathedral. Study of walls using high resolution orthophotos
Architecture, Renaissance, 16th century, sacristy of the Cálices, courtyard of the Óleos, photogrammetryAbstract
This article analyses the early construction phases of the Renaissance quadrant of Seville Cathedral from the study of the present building, supported by the written documents that have been preserved from the planning and execution of the works. Thanks to high-resolution orthophotos, taken from a photogrammetric digital metric capture supported by an electro-optical theodolite, the walls of the original sector of the quadrant are reviewed in depth, specifically the interior spaces of the sacristy of the Cálices and the courtyard of the Óleos. The clarification of the process of execution of the first walls makes it possible to delimit the pre-existences on which the project was developed and provide new data on the scope of the works carried out under the mastery of Diego de Riaño.
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Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Grant numbers PID2020-114971GB-100