GIS-based predictive analytical models of the castramental system established by the Seville council around Vía de la Plata in the Late Middle Ages




fortification of the territory, GIS-based geo-spatial analysis, MCE, fuzzy logic


The article defines methodological and instrumental aspects of the predicted model designed for the analysis of the castramental system arranged by the council of Seville in the Late Middle Ages around the Vía de la Plata. A hermeneutical approach to the fortification patterns of the historical territory was carried out, identifying factors of spatial implantation that allowed to infer locational patterns. The main aim was to identify towers, watchtowers and others defensive structures that could complete the nuclear system that originated this castral space by evaluating how these constructions were related to those known fortresses. In order to feature them, diverse intervisibility and walkability geospatial analyses were undertaken. Evaluating the archaeological finding of the tower of Alto del Viso, resulting from the prospecting of one of the high potential areas, the comparative study of the analytical results supported in predictive cartography derived from GIS implementation of the different models is provided: Boolean, resulting from binary combination by map algebra; MCE, founded on the weighted superposition of normalized variables; fuzzy overlay, resulting from the application of fuzzy logic to the analytical process.


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How to Cite

Fondevilla, J. J. ., Rivera Jiménez, T. ., & Ampliato Briones, A. L. . (2021). GIS-based predictive analytical models of the castramental system established by the Seville council around Vía de la Plata in the Late Middle Ages. Arqueología De La Arquitectura, (18), e111.




Funding data

Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Grant numbers HAR2016-78113-R