Pre-intervention studies of the chapel dedicated to Virgen de la Antigua in the parish church of San Miguel, in Morón de la Frontera (Seville)


  • Francisco Pinto Puerto E. T. Superior de Arquitectura. Universidad de Sevilla
  • José María Guerrero Vega Arquitecto



Architectonic analysis, stratigraphic analysis, late Gothic and Renaissance architecture, architectonic restoration, 16th century


The problems affecting the small Renaissance chapel dedicated to Virgen de la Antigua in the parish church of San Miguel in Morón de la Frontera have led to a state of decay verging on total ruin. When we addressed the intervention required by the building, we realised that we needed to know what had caused the structural instability which had led to urgent bracing in 1998. We knew that we could not simply take the current state of the building as our starting point for calculating the necessary reinforcements. The precariousness of its current state reveals the scars and traces of a complex fate which we would have to decode by designing and programming a series of examinations to arrive at a diagnosis. All of these processes have enabled us to identify and understand the various phases of construction and destruction, that is, to acquire the necessary - although never sufficient - references to conduct the architectural restoration project.


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How to Cite

Pinto Puerto, F., & Guerrero Vega, J. M. (2009). Pre-intervention studies of the chapel dedicated to Virgen de la Antigua in the parish church of San Miguel, in Morón de la Frontera (Seville). Arqueología De La Arquitectura, (6), 267–286.


