Stratigraphy, structural evolution and restoration. The church of Santa Eulalia in Marquínez (Álava)


  • Leandro Cámara Arquitecto



structural analysis, limit states theory, stratigraphicstructural diagram


A case study of stability evaluation of a vaulted church is presented. Archaeological investigation is considered as the better contrast reference for its structural analysis results. Considering historical buildings as time objects, where degrading action of nature and conservation activity of men come together, gives to their structural safety analysis a better perspective than that one resulting from the most conventional studies exclusively based in general structural theories, and shows that a deeper knowledge of their structural behaviour throughout the time takes us to a greater respect of their material integrity and to a clear reject of the most interventionist restorations only justified by those structural analysis. It is presented a brief revision of the limit states theory and its application to masonry buildings and particularly to Santa Eulalia’s church in Marquinez; simultaneously the results of the historical studies are shown; and the conclusions of both analysis are combined in a diagram of the structural behaviour evolution throughout the time, a global safety evaluation and an intervention proposal.


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How to Cite

Cámara, L. (2010). Stratigraphy, structural evolution and restoration. The church of Santa Eulalia in Marquínez (Álava). Arqueología De La Arquitectura, (7), 225–260.



Archaeology and Restoration