Dating mortars: three medieval Spanish architectures


  • Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo Universidad del País Vasco
  • Fabio Marzaioli Università di Napoli
  • Carmine Lubritto Università di Napoli



Mortar radiocarbon dates, historical architecture, stratigraphy, churches, walls


One of the major issues in building archaeology is finding the age of elements and structures discovered. Mortars represent a class of material basically constituted by a mixture of different phases (i.e. binder, aggregates, water) and are widely used for constructive uses and artworks. Current scientific literature regarding the possibility of accurate radiocarbon dating for mortars reports different and still contradictory results. In this study, a new protocol for radiocarbon dating of mortar developed at the Centre for Isotopic Research on Cultural and Environmental heritage (CIRCE) is used to perform 14C measurements on archaeological mortars coming from three medieval architectures of northern Spain (two churches and the walls of a castle). Results observed will be discussed and compared with independent age estimations (i.e. radiocarbon dating performed on organic materials found in the same study site, archaeological analyses) in order to frame experimental observations in the actual site knowledge by means of a multidisciplinary approach.


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How to Cite

Quirós Castillo, J. A., Marzaioli, F., & Lubritto, C. (2011). Dating mortars: three medieval Spanish architectures. Arqueología De La Arquitectura, (8), 13–24.



Theory and method