Integrated analysis of historical constructions: stratigraphic sequence and pathological diagnosis. Application to the church of Santa Clara (Cordoba)




Cultural heritage, evolutionary sequence, Archaeology of Architecture, pathological analysis, architectural restoration


The approach to the historical building by means of the sequence of constructions and transformations which take place throughout its whole life allows to understand rigorously its evolutionary nature. In this way, the methodology of the archaeology of architecture, based on the stratigraphical analysis, provides the adequate theoretical frame to study the evolutionary sequence of existing buildings. The present paper offers an innovative methodology for the study of historical constructions aimed at the integration of the pathological analysis within the stratigraphic sequence. It thus allows to obtain an evolutionary perspective of the structure and their pathological problems, reaching a better comprehension. Besides this, thanks to the proposed methodological approach, more rigorous, efficient and respectful results can be achieved, boosting the optimization of the existing resources for the conservation of cultural heritage. This proposal is focused on a specific case study concerning the old mosque and current church of the convent of Santa Clara (Córdoba), in which the interdisciplinar integration of several profesional profiles allowed us to develop this work.


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How to Cite

Martín Talaverano, R., Cámara Muñoz, L., & Murillo Fragero, J. I. (2018). Integrated analysis of historical constructions: stratigraphic sequence and pathological diagnosis. Application to the church of Santa Clara (Cordoba). Arqueología De La Arquitectura, (15), e067.




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